Are you a YouTuber?
Did you know anyone who creates content for YouTube is a Youtuber? That likely means you or your business are YouTubers.
Before I researched how to get my videos seen on YouTube, I did not consider myself or the company I work for like a YouTuber. YouTubers were young breathless vloggers with jarring cuts and cookie-cutter intros. In the “YouTube Voice,” they speak to their many fans and ask for subscribers.
Now I know; if I post on YouTube, I am a YouTuber. There is a lot of information on being a YouTuber. I recommend following the essence of that advice; bring value to your audience. YouTubers help people by using their unique perspectives. How can the goal of being yourself and helping people not be good for you?
A formula that works for all types of Youtubers
- Create engaging videos
- Creat videos your audience values,
- Use all the tools in the YouTube search engine,
- Proactively build a community using tactics like video planning and responding to comments.
Community building is the goal of a YouTuber, no matter what your channel is about. You want your videos to be seen and engaged with. When enough of the right people find a YouTuber, the YouTuber channel will grow. A popular channel YouTube Inc. can trust makes YouTube money and your channel will be favored in algorithms.

The Big Tech bottom line: Channels with many community interactions are rewarded in the search engine. They provide good platforms for running ads. So Google’s Youtube can make more money.
Your Bottom line: Businesses help their customers with video demos, tutorials, and edu-entertainment. Having a consistent show for your industrial customer will build subscribers. A YouTube channel can bring opportunities to your business and life. Yea, to your life! Like trips and collaborations, magical things can happen when you envision where you want to take your business channel.
Thanks for reading, I will be posting more about YouTube and videos.